heh odd topic name...
Anyway some of you may be aware that I had some injections in my neck last week that caused some unexpected problems. It seems that in the process of weaving the needles between the hardware in my neck, from when I broke my C6 vertebrae, either a bone spur or piece of scar tissue became lodged near the spinal canal. Nothing super serious but since then I have basically only had use of my thumb and index finger on my right hand.

I went to see my neurosurgeon yesterday and he has decided that he is going to go in and surgically repair this on June 1. But enough of my rambling lol...I wanted to just forewarn you all that I may seem a bit more uncoordinated then usual for the next few weeks. I am probably going to concentrate on building my stats through harvesting and other methods that are somewhat easy on the digits lol.

Nothing major should be a quick and easy surgery and I should only be in the hospital overnight if all goes as planned.