The thing that people misunderstand about Kay, is that he can adapts quicker than most people would guess.

I'm not saying he's a god, because his spell aim sucks ass; but he was a pure kiter when he was on his legit character and he was a pure rusher when he was on his bought character.

Kay's style is movement, plain and simple. He's adept at knowing prioitizing targets, who to avoid, and how to stick to a target. The thing that makes him hard to judge is that he has such an OP character, so I was never sure if his RUSH style was just because he had a character that could pull it off, or that he was stupid enough to think that he could play like this with a regular character.

I suspect the former.

RockNRollar's good, but he has a particular style; and by no means superior in melee. (No offense Real =P)

Here's the truth though.

Dueling 1v1s will tell you if someone's good, but DOESN'T mean you'll be a good group mate. Kay was horrible at this. Didn't stay by teammates, didn't crossheal, didn't coverfire.

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

Former KGB Member