I think some authority should ask them to behave a little until we get to know them better. I have no problem with crap talk or even racial slurs, when it's comming from people I know and whom I know don't mean it seriously. I believe most people feel this way.

It's all about knowing people and knowing how your actions are percieved. You do not just go into an unknown group and start shit-talking. It's common decency to get a feel of the group you're in before you start talking shit.

I'm a hardcore anti-racist, but I do enjoy racial jokes, jokes about handicapped people, religious people and all other groups. Maybe it's just me being danish, where absolutely no-one is safe from redicule and therefore all are regarded as equals in this sense.

But we should not forget common decency.

PS: I hope this is not interpreted in the wring way.

Kind regards
AllYourBase AreBelongToUs / Borne OfFire

Dude: "My thief BS for 800 dmg! Omfg, omfg, lawl, noobzorz"
AYB (drunk): "Do people take damage from being bullshitted? WTF???"