Pretty sure the poor guy is using php..

(Just to display the data in a table or so)
The basics that you are going to want to do is:
1. initialize a mysql connection
2. perform said query
3. Mock up html while looping thru the resultset
4. close connection


Now in order to make this editable it requires a little more.. You need to use some sort of id column to pass during your post in order to determine which row the user selected(also you will need to use an edit link that's embedded with an id in the querystring or some other form data embedded in your grid/table). You are better off finding a working example due to the amount of code this is going to require. In C# they have made this all much easier and not so rudimentary. The thing about programming is...there is always a hundred different ways to do something as well....


Last edited by Dunlop_Phaete; 06/24/09 04:31 PM.