I ran a marketing, web & cdrom development team of ~18 graphic designers & programmers from 1996-2001 ... a couple of constructive comments:

Be careful about your font colors over backgrounds. Your footer font colors get lost against your background. The content is the single most important aspect of your design ... your design should enhance the presentation of the content, especially your phone number! ... which is lost against the background ... make that important content pop out, inviting the user's eye towards it. The "request a free quote" is a well done example.

Watch your leading ... your portfolio sidebar has inconsistant leading bewteen the headers (Company\Service\Description) ... if I caught it, others will too.

In my experience, highlighting how you work with clients, from a relationship standpoint vs. snazzy design, goes a long way in attracting work. People will either like or dislike your designs ... illustrating that you can take direction well, can quickly understand the objective, are easy to work with & produce results in a timely fashion will score huge points in closing a deal ... keep that in mind as you press forward with your site's content.

Best of luck ...

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com][Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com][Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com]