Firstly the color scheme is not bad.

1)I would get rid of that part about never receiving payment if dissatisfied. That is a terrible idea and people will try an rip you off all the time.

2) Id get rid of all the contact information off the main page and bundle that all under the contact area. You seem to be going for a "wholesome simplified" scheme, no need to make it noisy.

3)I always like breadcrumb navigation as well and perhaps a site map.

4)The text in the "our clients" section has no alignment.

5)Background colors on the tables have different colors in Explorer8 and Firefox.

6) Other Explorer8 issues, the our portfolio page is bunk. When you go to that page the left justifies the header image and the navigation bar seem to have right justification.

7) Also, if you want to keep the order of you navigation, the general convention seems to be to return to the "main" page of the site to be the left link. Could always just make the header graphic a link back to the "our company" section as well, something I really hate when people dont do on their sites.

Other than that looks very..clean which I like.

Last edited by Ithkrul; 06/16/09 10:53 AM.