If you really want to mess with them then do this.

Use the three bag layer system.

Bag one in the root of your inventory. Inside bag one is two bags (A and B)

Inside of bag A you put two more bags (C and D)
Inside of bag C you put all your consumables in small stacks.
Inside of bag D you put all your regs in small stacks

Inside of bag B you put two more bags (E and F)
Inside of bag E you put all your Armor and Mounts
Inside of bag F you put all your Weapons and Arrows

Once everything is in its bags, you equip or hotkey the items from those bags so when or if you do die, all the items are returned to the bags they originally were in.

I like to throw some stone as well hidden in small stacks inside bags C,D,E, and F to add weight to some poor unlucky bastard that tries to loot me.

I like to do this with my "Go" bags as well so that when I do grab one its already set up for the boobie trap.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!