What kind of array are the two drives in? If they are striped..your page file should be on it in the least, if they are mirrored I'd still put it on the raid.

Page file on a different HD than your OS will always give you better performance. If those two drive are striped then I'd put my operating system on them and install the game to the stripe as well. Be sure to make alot of backups because you have more points of failure, but raw read/writes will be increased by about 30%

If you are getting 30ish FPS in a siege with that system I'd say your bottle neck is likely your connection and not your machine....although upgrading your connection may not do anything because your always only going to get info so fast from the other side of the world.

As far as the memory leaks go and out of virtual memory space, that is a client memory leak issue and it will only be fixed when they fix the client. Nothing you can do to fix that one.

If you want to spend the money, I'd double your RAM, but 4 gigs is a little above par for Vista.

The video cards are SLI right? What CPU are you running also and what is the northbridge chipset on your mobo?

Upgrade the chipset and video card drivers too BTW. That can help performance as well.

Former KGB Member