Originally Posted By: Drakiis
This is the old faith I speak of, The Kights of Glory and Beer have always tried to be a heroic force for rightiousness and honor. I read this story and it makes me wish I had rode with those who had fought, a great tale indeed. While I feel there would be some who would point out the loss in the story, it is not the loss but the glory that counts.

I salute everyone of you.

Without Honor and Glory, wining becomes a skewed outcome that never tastes as sweet as it should. I will take a hard fought glorious death any day over a shady cheeseball win.

This is why after 10+ years of gaming and a long time coming, I feel proud to wear the tag of KGB. I seemed to always be on the "other" server from KGB. Catskills in UO, Druzil Ro in EQ, and Bria in SWG.

At least in the end, everything has come full circle, and it seems we have a PvP platform worthy of our collective effort again.

Look forward to the years to come of continued good times, Glory, and Beer.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!