Here are the stories from some of the KGBers that were there:

Originally Posted By: Hare, (C1) Commander, KGB Armed Forces
I wanted to thank everyone who joined on the raid last night. We had a couple of rough spots but it was a blast.

Everyone who came did outstanding. We seriously got more attention than we probably deserved with the 8 of us. We created quite a sight with all of us mounted headed to battle.

The boat ride was hella long but we arrived in time to create quite a stir. We had a moment after riding all the way on the boat then mounts to the outskirts of their town where we stopped to ask for instructions/directions from a naked dwarf, I mentioned it was like the Blues Brothers movie after the car chase when everyone is waiting for the elevator to take them up top, very funny we were in such a hurry and the dwarf was french.

They sent us to a different town to defend and we showed up like the cavalry, well more like General Custer's last stand with 8 of us against 150 or so lol.

Our leadership was decisive and immediately found us a rooftop advantage where we CLEARED Wessex off the bank they were hitting and caused a battlefield clearing rain of magic on the enemy. We held our spot by shield parrying and blocking the stairway up to us, at least until I got knockedback outta the stairwell.

At that point all hell broke loose as we were quickly out manned and out geared. Many of us fell on the rooftop or just off it as we broke for safer ground.

That whole event is what puts the Glory in Knights of Glory and Beer. There was quite a buzz in chat and on the battle field about KGB is here KGB is there going on.

I won't single anyone out but it was a terrific battle by everyone and our leadership was spot on with battlefield instructions.

Good times.

Originally Posted By: Syloc, KGB Knight
There were multiple waves against us, each of which we turned back with our 4-wide across blockage of the ramp leading up to the top. In fact, we held so long, Wessex ignored us and pushed Cotp out, then, turned their attention to us and sent a wave of fully plate armored knockback, their top guys, to the top.

Even after we started to lose the top, we regrouped and huddled in a corner, shields up, trying to fend of the dozens upon dozens that appeared on our tower. Someone suggested we jump off, and we flung ourselves off the roof, some dying instantly to the dozens of weesexs waiting at the bottom; others, like donk and our fearless leader Derid, surviving to fight another day.

Originally Posted By: Brock Samson
Appreciate ya'll showing up. Really nice to see friendly faces ingame.

Saddly you missed the initial DDi crush but the timing was terrifying honestly.

The combined defending forces had JUST pushed DDi up and out of the city, and we were deciding whether to try and pursue or not. All nekkid and still bleeding from our last deaths.. When one of our scouts reports, APPROX 15 MOUNTED, south gate and closing.

We were all like.. *sigh* and turned to repel the new threat and reinforce the clanstone again.

Then someone goes, ITS KGB! KGB's HERE!

We were all cheering and laughing... was quite the morale booster, let me tell ya.

Thanks also for your kinship and motivation to relieve the beleaguered VG forces. I know ya'll lost some stuffz there, it was a diplomatic maneuver if not a military one at the last.

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