I am just about to crack 50 2-h. Not as big as some of the guys but its going up. My GM is on the cusp of tipping 25 where then I can get into some new spells with regs I can actually farm. (I HATE BONE!) and hope to push to 50 ASAP. So I basically work 2-h to farm regs and blow the regs as soon as they get in my pack (in case I get ganked). It sounds like I am spliting my training but really I am maxing out my magic training in my AFK hours and working my 2-h while active.

But as you say, we need to focus so I might slow the farming of regs and see about wacking on people near the bind stone. I have also made a parry macro I am going to test that will let people be afk at the bind stone and parry so they gain some skill as well as the people bashing on them, but needs to be tested.

What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?