Well, various people are at various stages depending on when they got in, playtime, how badly the queue is pwning them etc ^_^

Whats your 2H at right now?

The primary point of my post, was to remind people that they become 2x as effective when one of their combat skills starts approaching endgame level with equip, and 4x as effective when they approach the upper tier of the second tier of whatever skill it is they are doing.

Donk showed us in beta what 2H with good str, and some Mastery skill could do.

We are now seeing that elemental mages do 30+ damage with their first elemental spell, with a newbie staff. And the bolts move and fire very quickly. Imagine how hard it will hit with a rank 60 staff, and 75+ skill.

So, it is important to remind folk of these things. Though the game promotes diversity, a degree of specializing is good.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)