Probably going to use the unit sales and monthly subscription fees for the first three months to pay back investors, maintain personnel, and probably invest in publishing/distribution to a NA server/outlet.

If they were smart. They would just get server space in the US, do similar digital launch with no hard copies. Use the infrastructure they already have, maximize what they've already spent funds on, and just make it more robust, and fix the initial forwarding and billing issues. Which would make me ask the question at time of NA launch, which conversion is better for them. Payment in Euro values or USD, depending on the 3 month forecast for conversions from NA launch. I am betting they stay Euro value converted to your currency. Makes the VAT easier to compute, and in some weird market inversion could give them an advantage on monthly billing being done in Euros. Especially if the NA and Asia contingents end up with high numbers once the game matures.

Of course, Tasos aka:"Salad Tosser" and his crew have only had one bumble after another, with epic fail levels of community communication. So, probably not going to be a NA server for at least a good three months. Upside though, it will be a much more stable client, and the EU time will just be pay to play beta 2.0 for most/some of us. Except we will probably get to keep our Skills, Stats, Bank, and anything on us personally. Cities should go bye-bye and will be another land rush, which may really benefit us in the long run. Which is what really matters to me. I can see this game carrying a good 3-5 year play arc, if they don't manage to completely fuck it up along the way.

Last edited by Tasorin; 03/01/09 04:29 PM.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!