1) Is this game worth playing?

i think so .

2) Why?

well its a full loot system, skill baced, combat on the other hand is a bit bland atm. Like UO theres not much in the way of powers for mele. lots of pot chuging.

3) Will this be another huge let down as in I get all psyched to play with peeps and then a week later the guild leaves the game?

cant speak for any one but my self, but this will be a long term game. the said i feel a lot are going to get burnt out with the skill grind.

i put it every bit as tuff as first 6 mounths of UO.

4) Hows the lag if this is launching Euro?

iv got a 16MB cable with comcast, i set around 200-230 with spikes every now and then. im in Oregon.

5) Whats the monthly?

seams its going to be right at 15$ US.