Thomas, that idea is under strong consideration. Since allies can bind at each others stones, I am probably going to split the guild into a couple different tags. It would make sense for one tag to have a continental hamlet and the main AF tag to hold the fortresses. But either tag can bind at the others stone, so from a practical standpoint its not that large of an inconvenience.

It is actually a cheap way to get seperate guild storage units.

Syloc, the starting plan will be discussed at the meeting next sunday. Most of it is pretty much decided, but as for the obvious part- just havent seen a need to come out and state it yet.

I still need to check out a couple things, and talk with SF, they want us to take a mainland city. People are checking out a couple other locations... things are moving as quick as they need to in that regard.

Though TBH I am still pretty set on trying to fortress up in a remote locale, especialy if SF has lots of mainland holdings. Because we can always bind at one of their stones, or grab an open hamlet or chaos stone closeby and run into their town to bank/sell.

Also keep in mind that there is teleportation/recall stones in the game. Though as it stands, it is troublesome to get initially... and will want to be used mostly from moving from one safespot to another.

The way I forsee it, is taking rune out of bank, recalling to another safe bank, say on mainland, then putting the rune right back in the bank. Once we get everyone a pair of recall runes and the skill, migrating back and forth between the island fortress and mainland safehouses should be pretty painless... its just the first 3 or 4 weeks that will be a headache.