And what should the people who don't want to play the game or faction you are currently in or playing do? Should they just leave KGB, or quit playing games because there interests don't align with yours?

I respect your right to have an opinion, and I understand that in your mind, if there are more than 1 faction- then KGB is doomed to fail. I will also give you the benefit of the doubt that, at least in your mind, your overall intentions are for the good of KGB, but this does not give you the right to make snark, or trite comments about another faction, or more precisely, the efforts of several other full KGB citizens to expand KGB into a game they enjoy playing!

I also have an opinion on multi-factioning, I believe your line of thought, with 1 faction, has brought KGB to critical condition, and something needs done to jump start it again. I have been in KGB for 10 years now, I have been in every single faction since Darkfall, and have been voluntold into a officer position in every single one of them, with the exception of BDO, and more recently Crowfall and New World ( Which I intentionally stayed away from to prepare for FFXIV). In all that time, I have tried to keep my mouth shut, and head down for the most part. I have watched a few dozen people I consider friends, who were Knights in good standing quit or be forced out by a select few individuals who think just because they have been in the guild for a hundred years, or just because they can whisper Jet, they can have their way or expect everyone to be in aggreement with them or have to play with them and play their way. That line of thinking is dangerous to the overall health of this guild. I also think its about time for someone other than Jet, Romeo, and Donk to step the fuck up and lead something, or for the senate be a little more proactive in trying to improve the guild. I don't say this because I have no faith in Jet, Romeo, or Donk,-the exact oposite- but quite simply for two reason- 1.) So they can actually ENJOY the games they play, and 2) So they aren't constantly burnt out and can sit back and enjoy the house they built.

In addtion, your comment resulted in 6 people PM'ing upset about your comment, while I was at work. I have enough drama to put up with at work and at home, I don't appreciate having to come home to that. So I will be blunt. I respect your right to comment on the game- if you don't enjoy FFXIV, i welcome your comments or honest reviews of the game, I however WILL NOT tolerate attacks on my efforts or efforts of anyone in our faction that can be construed as devisive, undermining, ect. General Order 1 states:

General Order 1: "Thou shalt uphold and abide by the ideals our Nation was built upon"

KGB Citizens have been striving to present themselves as honorable, respectable, and chivalrous since 1997. In the beginning, we came together to combat those whose existence was based on ruining the gaming experience for others. Over time we have evolved, but a basic idea and code remains. Respect both your fellow Citizens, Friends, and Foes alike whenever possible. Problems will occur and tempers will flare. Help solve the problems with calm discussion and be respectful to others if possible. Some of our foes may not deserve this respect, but do your best to offer it. Always try to respect these ideals and the many members who came before you. Always consider your nations reputation that we all have worked hard to maintain since 1997. It was this bond that brought us all together and keeps us strong.

The following policy will be enforced by the KGB Federal Faction and Supreme Court in accordance with Article 4, Section 1, of the KGB Constitution: KGB citizens will treat each other with honor and respect and never take part in Personal Harassment. What is harassment? It is repeated, intrusive or unwanted acts, words or gestures that are intended to adversely affect the safety, security or privacy of another, regardless of the relationship between the actor and the intended target. Harassment is further defined as "engag(ing) in intentional conduct which the actor [harasser] knows or has reason to know would cause the victim, under the circumstances, to feel frightened, threatened, oppressed, persecuted, or intimidated; and causes this reaction on the part of the victim.

Humor and joking are ok, and you should be sure to let someone know if you are not comfortable. It is no longer considered joking if you are made to feel frightened, threatened, oppressed, persecuted, or intimidated. Make sure you always respect your fellow citizens.

If you feel you have been the victim of harassment, first send a private message to the actor and let them know you were offended. If the behavior continues, file a KGB Supreme Court Conduct report and allow the system to protect you. Retaliation for submitting a Conduct Report will never be tolerated, and may result in dismissal from KGB.

If any of my members come to me again feeling they were attacked, disrepected, or otherwise uncomfortable, I will follow the system put in place to condome such behavior, and protect them.