They haven't announced anything "officially" as of yet - but I suspect we will be seeing Squadron 42 (episode 1) in 2018, probably end of the year for Christmas or CitizenCon perhaps.

There have definitely been some patches/updates to Alpha 3.0 while it has been in post-evocati builds, I suspect they will tighten up a few more bugs and pull forward with a full release of Alpha 3.0 "Soon" (within the next few weeks). I suppose it depends on if there are any show-stopping bugs that crop up, getting people to work long hours during the holidays is a bit harder (even in the game industry). It is hard to get everyone together to FIX issues during the holidays.

I am going to need more memory in my laptop - unfortunately 16GB just isn't enough (for OS+Game). I can fly around in Arena and play Space Marine well on my laptop but the Alpha 3.0 build gets pretty dodgy on my laptop, memory utilization is 100% so that's definitely the problem (paging/etc).


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers