The Mechanics for this boss are a bit weird and in consistent. Kinda works like first phase RD. You'll be flying and randomly take damage at some point, and its very difficult to do this boss if you're squishy. (Like me.)

During the fight:

Thunderwing will fly around and shoot out red and blue orbs in a weird flurry, all going in random directions. These hit like a truck, so dont touch them.
Thunderwing will at some point drag everyone in a large radius into him, much like Kraken does when he's ink splashing and dealing damage to everyone pulled in.
Thunderwing will curl up and create a giant orb around him, after a short cast (which is uninterruptible) he will heal a large portion of his health, roughly 45-50% back of all dmg done. (Not sure if this can full heal him if not enough damage is done, and not sure when this can trigger.)
Thunderwing will apply a slow to all gliders around him during the fight, which will also inflict a damage over time attack that you'll have to pot through. This is where pots come in handy cause the glider heal wont out-heal this and theres no ode botting here.