Originally Posted By: Bubba
Are you sure it was a CR raid and not a GR raid? Very easy to mistake the two for a newer player. IF it in fact was at a GR raid (Grimghast Rift) and you used your harpoon to pull mobs before everyone was there then typically we kick and kill anyone. The same in theory could apply to a CR raid as well though. We do this not to grief other players but to ensure that players who fall behind have a chance to get their full credit. Ideally the command to hold attacks would be given and then a warning if necessary. Hope this helps.

Absolutely 100% sure it was CR. And no, I didn't see that I did anything that could cause it. Boss wasn't 'Immune' or anything like that...

Quick Edit: KGB member was lead and kicked me. It was a member of another guild that purpled. Still trying to figure out why the kick. #confused. LOL.

Last edited by Erinaya; 05/31/16 10:15 AM.