Not asking ppl to plan when they play, if you dont know you dont know. Not looking for specifics either, just a general indication of what timezone you are usually on. I know when your usually on Lenny =p But I cant say the same for everyone, so im just looking for a general idea.

There are alot of people who I have no idea when they usally play, and I want at least a vague picture of who will
be on when. Its not intended to be a blood contract, but if you live in say Europe, and work during the day and generally play during the evenings (Euro evenings) it will be helpfull to know that ahead of time ^_^

I basically divide TZs into 3 groups: Euro Primetime, North American Primetime, and Late night/Aussie primetime. Covering USofA day, evening, and wee hours of the morning respectivly.