It reads my Logitech Extreme 3D-Pro just fine, yes I did have to switch the X-axis from YAW to Roll, WHY they chose to do that - I can't answer. But it does look like in Alpha 2.0 there is a configuration named "X-Axis Roll" so perhaps that will make it easier then.

Joystick controls, HOTAS + Throttle are important to them, I am certain some MORE emphasis will be placed on joystick configuration/controllers/settings once they get things up and running!

For now, it is just a matter of getting things configured. Google your joystick model + Star Citizen and my bet is you will find some sort of player who already found out what NEEDS to be done to get it working. Either in the Star Citizen forums, reddit, or youtube.

This is the utility I used to save my config as an XML file so I can just reload it anytime I want. A known problem right now is if you change settings to the built-in configs and there is an update... well it will just overwrite your settings with the "default" so you might want to get a snapshot of your config when you get it working.


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers