Originally Posted By: rhaikh
No, it will never happen because this is a total fantasy. Fetishism for sure. They disagree on most issues except pot and military interventionism. Sanders gains nothing with him on the ticket, 3 percent of likely GOP voters? Huge scandals? More rolls of tin foil?


Um, lulz, I already said it wouldnt happen. I think the tenor of the thread has been missed...

Though as a random point of fact, there was research done after the last election that strongly suggested that had Romney managed to get the support of a decent segment of Ron Paul voters it would have put him over the top in several swing states and handed him the election.

Swinging 3% of GOP voters from red to blue in just 3 states might be something you laugh at, but its also enough to guarantee victory.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)