Damn, I didn't know they gave 50K prowess in this last patch. Now we can test more stuff with the extra prowess. I was reading on the DFUW forums where people we asking for more prowess to max out all roles so we can switch and test them more. With launch just over a week away, I don't see why they wouldn't.

If you don't know how to get the 50K prowess, just sell 10 wood to ANY vendor.

I noticed we don't have much as far as armor or weapons. Has someone been making any? I will play some since they are giving up prowess. I just don't want to grind anymore until launch.
Also when I was on Friday we had like 1600 Iron Ingots. We have no good armor at all, and I can't find any good weapons. Does someone have some stashed in their clan banks? That's a lot of Ingots to lose and not have any good armor or weapons to show for it.

Last edited by Wolfgang; 04/07/13 04:45 AM.