This is beta and we understand that it is beta. I'm not going to say it will be the greatest game since sliced bread, because we really don't know how it will play out since they game has changed a lot. There will be bugs, even when the game launches there will still be bugs. If you're expecting a bug free totally fixed game when it launches, well I can tell you right now that's not going to happen.

I will play because there is no other game out there like it. GW2 was fun, but there is no risk in it. The new darkfall is going to have problems, I don't think anyone is trying to claim that it will not. If you're going to play then play, if not then I don't see any reason to keep telling others how big a of POS it's going to be. We know it's going to be a crap shoot on how good of a game it's going to be or not. Just like any other game.

Last edited by Wolfgang; 01/10/13 06:18 PM.