We have enough clan dominion to acquire a hamlet. If we can find one in a good area so that all of us can bind to, that would be a good thing. We need to work on getting used to the new UI. I think that above anything is a must in beta. This means PVP & PVE as a group so we can help each other. Also, DO NOT leave something you value in your personal bank or in your back pack. If you log off or crash there is a good chance you will lose it. All of us that have been in game have a bag in the clan bank with our names on it. The clan bank has not been wiped after crashes or server up's.

As we all know beta is about testing out things so that they can be Improved upon when the live version comes out later. So let's skill up, craft up and do what we can to help Aventurine get the feedback they need to Improve the game. We could face some big changes by the time UW goes live.