No you asshole, you spoke of debateing one way, and when showen that you do not in fact debate that way, you run to the gray area. My pissing on your grave has nothing todo with debating and anyone that thinks pissing on your grave is anything more then a desire of my heart is a moron. You dont debate on these forums, you belittle and attack others. Your condesding passages are every bit as abusive and profane, and I will respond to them in kind.

Now listen, your head is so far up your own ass that the only way to talk to you is from an unhinged approach.

Now listen, I dont care if this section of the forums is shut down or not. My response has been to you about you and your disrepect. I will respond as I see fit.

The best thing you can do sini is not to attack me with your worthless drivel. Nor make any post that may infer in anyway as disrespectful to me. Do not confuse me with some one with tact.