Originally Posted By: rhaikh

look around 15 minutes. His graphics are better than mine but the gameplay I am talking about is demonstrated at its very possible best here. There is actually a ground firefight amongst two large teams with lots of cover and it still just doesn't seem fun to me. The ridiculous respawns, movement speed and TTK especially.

You've never played PS1 I see because all of those same things are in PS1, not much different there.

You need to roll with people and have an agenda and capture things but it's depth isn't what most would find nor state as engaging. It's a Pew-Pew for a few hours, get some points and buy some other certs (certifications) for new gear or bank for something bigger. If you don't like FPS such as COD, MW, etc this won't fancy you either although I don't enjoy the FPS genre as much as many and for some reason PS1/2 engage me the limited time I have (a few hours at a sitting at best). That could be the issue for most and tire many if you plan to dedicate hours upon hours of gametime to it at once.

Sorry it's not your cup of tea but it sounds like it's not the performance, as much, as the gameplay you don't like and unfortunately it's not going to change much other than new items, load-outs, vehicles and maps.

P.S. You still doing APB? My boy was looking at it, again earlier this week. I've not played since the live release bombed but wanted to try it (again, just not enough time anymore)