You are right, we do attach caveat to our religion. This to me shows we have learned from our mistakes. We are willing to move beyond them, and strive todo the right thing. To me not includeing it would be to sink to thier level of hypocrisy. By putting it up front I am able to take away some of their ammo in a discussion.

As a father, with 3 daughters, this truly sickens me. However if the age of consent is 17, then the law is restricted in its actions. The law can and should be changed to reflect not religions view of this, but the fact, if you can not drink, till 21, smoke till 18, or drive a vechile till 16, sex is just as harmful and just as life changing as any of these. A legal adult is 18, and I feel sex should have this limation also. I am not navie in thinking this will stop anything, but as a parent it gives me the ability to use the law to protect my kids, even for only anthoer year.