Originally Posted By: Cheerio
im just going to add that this ridiculous defense is what happens when people and society become detacted from any moral system. the "it aint illegal" arguement can be used to justify all kinds of repugnant behaviors.

Sex with a dead person was legal till it was outlawed. Useing a video camera to catch women dressing and undressing was legal also since no law said it was illegal.

There has been alot of laws from conections with religion and then alot of people want to admit. Stealing, murder just to name 2 off the top of my head. Yes religions have been used as an excuse todo horrid things to other human beings, from the catholic church, to judism, to the islam.

No from of goverament is prefect, no one persons idealogy is prefect, no one person religion or lack of religion is prefect. We humans are not prefect, wither you think we came from a spagtti monster, the slow course of evoultion, the thought of a higher being having a hand in evloution, to sudden apperance of all life with in a span of a few days completely and totally developed, or the byproduct of an alien getting really bored and haveing sex with dead bodies, we are all here, now.

Religion for better or worse has helped to shape the laws of this land. It has shaped the law of other lands. It is only takeing the best from everything, regradless of where it comes from can we as humans hope to reach a platue of true understanding.