Originally Posted By: Wolfgang
Originally Posted By: Vuldan
Originally Posted By: Derid
He is a socialist and a communist, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I would not underestimate Obama though, its way to early. He is a clever guy with a lot of natural charisma, he could turn things around on a dime pretty quick.

In fact, I would say he is content to have low numbers right now... it makes him look that much better when he starts presenting a better image.

Thats what his new class warfare initiative is about, re-energizing the extreme leftist base. But if he re-enrgizes the socialists now, then he can appear to move to the center and look like the compromiser in 2012. He obviously knows the GOP wont cave. If they reach a favorable compromise somehow, then he can pitch himself to the centrists again. If not, which is likely... he can jockey to blame the GOP.

The economy is really all that makes him defeatable, that and Obamacare. If it wasnt for Obamacare he would probably get re-elected even with a shitty economy. But hate for Obamacare has managed to supplant hate for Bush. If it wasnt for Obamacare and Obamas general crusade to destroy middle America, he would be unbeatable.

Yah, I don't think so on this one Derid. His entire Presidency has been about him getting re-elected. That is part of the issue, they began focusing on world bullshit and looking good for the media and the rest of the world rather than fix the shit they believed was broken, and then it became really broken as soon as they began messing with things.

I have said it and now aa few others have, before Mr. James "fucking douche" Carville spouted his horseshit, without a major change, with a major substantive win, Obama will not win re-election. Period. And one of my greatest life memories is the day I got to tell Mr James "fucking douche" Carville to fuck off to his face, when he was stumping in Portsmouth New Hampshire for that traitor Clark. Ah, the good days.

I would love to ask a few people how does it feel to be a fucking dumbass. It's a pretty long list, but I would have to start at the top... OBAMA!

I am sure he would love to ask you how being an uneducated inbread Okie is going for you?

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!