Originally Posted By: Vuldan

Yah, I don't think so on this one Derid. His entire Presidency has been about him getting re-elected. That is part of the issue, they began focusing on world bullshit and looking good for the media and the rest of the world rather than fix the shit they believed was broken, and then it became really broken as soon as they began messing with things.

I have said it and now aa few others have, before Mr. James "fucking douche" Carville spouted his horseshit, without a major change, with a major substantive win, Obama will not win re-election. Period. And one of my greatest life memories is the day I got to tell Mr James "fucking douche" Carville to fuck off to his face, when he was stumping in Portsmouth New Hampshire for that traitor Clark. Ah, the good days.

I was simply commenting on his change of strategy, not trying to insinuate his term has been about anything but getting re-elected. Well, getting re-elected and kissing up to Pelosi.

Only time will tell on who is right as far as his re-election chances, I think people have a tendency to get caught up in the moment and the current trend. Remember, George H. W. Bush was for a time insanely popular. Of course, you could also say he lost due to the economy. But still, Obama will have a lot of media and a lot of money supporting him.

Still just to early to call in my analysis.

But, after seeing Perry's latest comments... its almost enough to make me hope Obama gets re-elected. Atleast if Perry gets the Nod. Its funny, but the fact that I dont think Mitt really means half the shit he says, is what makes me want to support him.. in the current field.

Ofc I support Paul, but every other time Perry opens his mouth.. I get tempted to start donating to Romney as well.

Oh, and Kudos to telling Carville to fuck off. That guy is a major dickbag.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)