Arkh makes a good point, it's one to take a note on. This also applies with wind turbines, and yes even in this backwards ass, knuckle dragging state of Oklahoma, we have many wind farms. With more going online seemingly every quarter.

The wind turbines need to be more effcient. You have to put several up in a cluster for them to make a big difference in producing energy. Several Oklahoma small towns are looking into these wind turbines, but they aren't efficient enough and it becomes an eye sore with so many of them in a confined or "approved" area. Don't make it sound like I don't believe in renewable energy. I think there is a place for solar panels,wind turbines,hydro electric...ect. Using both until they can be made to be more efficient, then transitioning over is the ideal move. Jumping on that horse from the git-go trying to quit oil & natural gas cold turkey isn't a good idea. Because you are throwing everything into one basket, and things just never go well by doing that.

So when you fart smellers can put down the cheeba long enough to see, then maybe it will become a little more clearer. Hell, if a bunch of knuckle draggers can see this, why can't you? =P

Last edited by Wolfgang; 08/26/11 04:02 PM.