Originally Posted By: Wolfgang
I thought Bush's plan was a good one as well. And If I'm not mistaken, Rick Perry has similiar idea's. I hope he throws his hat into the Presidential race.

Sorry to get off topic here... but I seen him interveiwed and he (Rick Perry) was saying since Obama's been in office, that the EPA has been trying relentlessly to shutdown oil companies... really? That's about the dumbest shit you could do with unemployment at 9.1% it makes you wonder, does Obama really want to drop the unemployment rate, by letting the EPA run rampant and shutdown oil companies.

It's not that you watch to much Faux News, Wolf, its that you repeat it.....

How about holding them to the rules on the book. If they did that we wouldn't need to go after them as much. Don't play it off like the Military Industrial complex is some Care Bear cotton candy land provider of all things good. One hand is just as dirty as the other.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!