People miss the point of darkfall sometimes. I know none of you know me but will understand when i say that the FEAR, ANGER, HAPPYNESS, and all the other powerful emotions our brought out in DF cause this is a game where you actually give a shit. You have to, its the truest sandbox MMO out RIGHT NOW. ANd for all its flaws and imperfiections they did manage to get one thign right. The feeling. I went red the day i started playing, been red the whole tie was on NA, transfered to EU and went red there, never lived in a blue city. Got attacked, killed, stolen from, double crossed, ambushed, beaten bloody, camped at the bindstone, and thrown out of my home, running as i watched it burn and anouther flag was brought to full mast with someone else using what used to be my bank and crafting tables.

But you know what? I have done these things to other people too. And only when you have been through all that growing up as a noob can you appreciate the game when you become a vet. Risk Vs Reward. If it was easy everyone would do it and then why would you want to push all the way to the top when everyone else is there with you.

I don't know. My 2 cents

Originally Posted By: NOC EhWoL
Originally Posted By: NOC EhWoL
No just all the negative comments, not mad or anything...hope no one takes personal offence of it.

oops..somebody did.

I wasn't demanding, I said please. I wouldn't post negative comments about a game someone else plays.Now if we were having a discussion then I would share my opinion. The fact is that all the private DFO forums are locked to only active players so they aren't tainted by people who don't play anymore or have negative feelings towards it.

For me it is not my game flavor of the month, I played it for 1.5 years and took an 8 month break(during which I only posted a hanfull of times asking how everyone was doing and were they enjoying themselves. I got burnt out for a while but in no way would I want to press that into influencing others to feel the same way. These are not the DFO or some gaming website foroms, we are supposed to all be friends here. If my ideals and beliefs about our community here are false then shame on me.

Whatever game you play or whatever you do to enjoy yourself as long as it wasn't damaging to you or others I would certainly approve of it and help in anyway i could to prolong or improve your experiance with that activity.

Its just a game, there are hundreds if not thousands of public websites where individuals can express there opinions negatively or positivly towards specific games. I would just to hope to not see fellow KGB discouraging thier brothers and sisters in anyway from making there own descisions and having fun. If a post goes up asking new and/old players to check it out then it is for those that like the idea or are intrigued by it and those that don't should in my opinion(just my opinion here, don't take it to heart) just ignore it and keep doing whatever it is that they are curently enjoying.

I apologize if I upset anyone with this or my previous post and personaly to you vuldan.