Meditation offline is a great feature to reduce the gap between people that can play more hours and those cant.

You can play and follow the words: "have fun" for 1-2 hours and then put money to meditate your stats to like 75..(that is quick and not too much gold). Beyond 75 the gold and the time are high.

If UO had meditating would be good, too, DFO has flawns but devs keep put more options to players have fun with different play styles. While UO was developed by EA, DF was developed by a small team.

So I ask to KGBers come back to DF!
But do not expect that will only have fun when you toon is maxed or to begin playing when it maxed, as it the overall player mentality, you will quit if you think like that.

Uber is an example: He chose to not participate a single Sea Tower event or Alliance Siege, and was always farming while people were doing stuff together, he quit before do anything in group.

An example of player having fun since and until today is Critter, he is always pving or pveing and always do that even when his toon had low stats and skills.

Last edited by Mithus; 04/15/11 08:23 AM.

Animal Ethics: "I tremble for my species when I reflect that god is just." Thomas Jefferson.
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