Originally Posted By: Wolfgang
Darkfall is a grind monster, it takes a large amount of time to be able be viable at pvp. Not to mention get used to the style of fighting that you have to constantly keep trying to improve. Then you throw in that you have to farms mobs efficiently in order to make enough gold to do the things you want and need to do. Darkfall is the hardest game to pvp in hands down. It's not forgiving for new characters at all.

To think, the grind has gotten a little better than what it used to be. After nearly 2 years, I can't force myself to grind anymore. Which is the case with many people after putting in a lot of time and effort into a game, and still have average character skills because of the huge grind. They should have realized people only have a certain amount of time. Not 2 years of soliding grinding.

Your character is ready to pvp, you are a valuable member to any pvp group. One thing that us KGB(ers) need to do is group combat, people tend to think alone, when to be success you need a solid group of players.

How many times we got attacked by hostiles while sitting on the city, some people ready, some people semi-afk, some people just not geared enough. We had numbers, but not any coordenation. The attackers always had the advantage. And when we fought back was everyone by himself, no cross-heals,buffs. This ended frustating many Kgbers.

chaging a little bit the topic: Even after 2 years, I still be amazed by the chaos of the combat. See this I think is a guy from Sick Bastards, just average player.

Last edited by Mithus; 04/23/11 12:34 PM.

Animal Ethics: "I tremble for my species when I reflect that god is just." Thomas Jefferson.
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