Pvp is about getting the guy into a situation he can't get out of. There are lots of spells, schools of magic etc.. The biggest issue with the game is the grind in leveling spells.

Early on you are going to have a hell of a time beating most people 1v1 because they outgear you, and they have higher stats. Meditation helps with this somewhat but it still takes a lot of time and money. Consider also that they probablly have all of the magic schools to 100 and also archmage, and some of the intensifies to 100 for more damage.

In PvP: When starting out I tent to use R90 fire spell inferno followed by a r75 fire spell magma storm both of these are over 75. I then do another r90 I use Arcane but it could be whatever you want. Explosive charge is popular. I do this because they have big aoe's and I am going to get at least some damage on the target.

Once I have casted those I will hit a transfer heal, and maybe a pot depending on how much health I have. After that i pop out the bow and go to work.

Now when using the bow move back and forth. Not just strafing but point left move, reaquire shoot, point right move reaquire shoot. It is important to hold your shots and make them count. I find that if I aim just above the left shoulder of the enemy I hit most often.

When I shoot the bow I am moving in tward the target at angles. when I get into melee range I pop out the 2 hander and go to town, attempting to stickyback the target.

If he gets out of range I pop a heal then pull the bow back out unless the target is low. If the target is low and trying to cut corners I start in with the nukes again keeping damage steady so if he is healing it negates his heals.

If at anytime I am under pressure and need to heal I will eye rot the target and cast a big heal followed by a transfer followed by a potion.

The other thing you can do to put people under pressure is wall of force and hit them with some rays. Dont use fire spells that will pop them out of the WOF. Save your pungent mist for just as the WOF is going to drop and pull out your bow. You can see spell casting through pungent mist.

These are the basics. Just mix and match and you will at least be able to hold your own vs. most players. For this to be effective you need an magic encumberance of less than 20. My junk sets consist of r50 weps, scale legs, gloves, helm, boots and the rest bone.