I'm sure he does Derid. I was just a little aggravated at what I took to be a flipant response to my post. I'm sure it wasn't meant that way. But, he does tend to post links rather than digested material a lot. Probably just to keep the conversation going...
Originally Posted By: Derid
The problems of drugs, homeland security, illegal immigration, and "family values" are not going to go away because of crackpot schemes that crack down on individual liberty and/or spend obscene amounts of taxpayer money any more than cracking down on individual liberty, implementing crushing tax and regulation levels and spending massive outlays of taxpayer money on new multi-tiered bureaucracies are going to solve the problems of health-care, social inequality or keep opportunistic Wall Street types from finding a loophole to fleece unwary investors.

I'm with you. The only way to solve these problems is with more liberty, not less. The poor and disabled will be taken care of through charity, there are literally millions of examples of this in our country alone, if the government would just get out of the way. Like wise with the other problems. It sounds cold and calous to say that if some one wants to kill themselves on drugs then so be it, but, as the recent events with bath salts show, if some one really wants to get high they will find a way and we cannot make everything illegal...

I saw today that some legislator in New York is proposing a bill to fine people $120 for texting while walking. Really? If anything should be illegal it should be the passing of laws that are designed to protect people from their own stupidity. I also heard that the woman who fell in the fountain at the mall is considering sueing the mall. For what, rushing out and constructing a fountain in her path? Amazing.

[Linked Image from i30.photobucket.com]