Well I can't say for all the guilds, because I just don't know; but I know for a fact some of them are organized in some fashion - but more like in a fluid motion rather than stagnant formations and whatnot.

Bottom line is, combat in Darkfall is so rapid and fast it's impossible to do complex manuvers. However, what is possible, is crosshealing, focus fire, and baiting tactics.

If you notice in some of the videos, some of the members will fire on meleers that are chasing their own teammates. (There's this one video that the guy fireballs a destoryer that was following his teammate, allowing him to get distance and heal) Also, you'll notice that the destroyers always go in first.

On the better videos, you'll notice some guilds train their guys to crossheal at every lull moment in battle - even if they are at 90%. Also, there's a level of trust in some of these videos - that some members make judgement calls, and the better the group, the more people are willing to run and heal, trusting that their teammates can occupy the enemy long enough for them to get to full.

There's a lot of nuances that people don't realize are going on, but there is some level of organization.

Oh, and i've watched all the videos on youtube and wegame. KGB's in a couple of them.

Last edited by Syloc; 03/22/10 06:04 PM.

Former KGB Member