Take a look at the VA if you want to see what government run health care is like. My nephew, a former Marine injured by a Marine DI in a training exercise where he had both shoulders broken, has about a 75% disability, can't raise his arms above shoulder level, but has been fighting the VA for 7 years to get the necessary orthopedic surgery needed to improve his range of motion. It has been an endless paperwork nightmare. In his experience, the VA has been a government health care non-provider.

And they want to do this for the nation as a whole? Fix the VA, fix Medicare and Medicaid (both of which are projected to be bankrupt in the next few years), and then get back to me before you want suggest expanding this goat fuck to encompass everyone.

To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council