Originally Posted By: Leeboi
The reason why I asked for Dunlop's write-up is because he seems to lead the PVP groups the most and gets good results.

Where i come from that is called GOOD and I want to learn from that experience.

Fair enough. At first glance it looked as though someone had looked at the leader roster, grabbed a random name, and asked them how to PVP better. I had to make a general post because issues regarding PVP skills and Leadership in MMOs have been bothering me for a long time. Slight tangent; RL military leadership is done much differently than what happens in Gaming Leadership. Ironically enough, gamers appear to try to emulate aspects of military leadership, but end up doing something much different or nearly opposite of what actually happens in the military.

I would use the term "assclown" now, but I'll refrain.

Veiled Threat? If so, at whom?

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