Game is slated for Nov beta, and December release. They have taken a console-style route for testing, instead of running and managing large semi-open public tests, they have opted to hire teams of professional testers and QA the same way console game makers do.

This route is typically more expensive by far than letting your fans play early in return for some "usually spotty" feedback. True, they wont be getting gameplay feedback this route instead sticking to their guns on how they think the game should be... which might be the best route, might backfire.

But what they are not doing, is being cheap or careless. Near feature complete servers have been running remotely as internal testing for well over a year, feature complete versions for almost a year , while using professional firms to test/QA feedback.

Theyre not pushing it out the door, true it has taken a long time, but theyre spending the time and money to try and make it as polished as possible.