
Player controlled NPC is basically a pet.. at least that's how I interpret it. So just a mercenary pet.

And no i played everquest just like a year and some change ago and in EQ they added things like changing from your cleric to a (mob type) say a Bear or a Fairy which can scale to any level you wish from 5 to 80 (or up to your max level if your not 80) so say you 55 then you can change into a 55 bear but if your 59 you can only goto 55 still until you reach 60 i believe so that way you if you can't find a tank but have 2 clerics your cleric can goto the NPC and change into a tank Bear for the xp or instance your about to do

The mercenary i see as just another class to change into to adapt to fights to balance a group out if you don't meet the req's to finish places... But could also be the hired NPC but just runs around and does whatever it chooses to once you can command it to attack it's no longer a NPC it becomes a pet

Last edited by Represent; 08/18/08 01:11 AM.

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Represent de KGB
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