Well this is a oxymoron and i don't catch many of the errors out there but i read this and thought wtf

EverQuest: Seeds of Destruction, on the other hand, is a little lighter in the new features, but then this is the 15th EverQuest expansion. New additions include a level cap increase to 85; 20 new zones that feature both "re-imagined classic content" as well as all-new realms; player-controlled NPCs called "Mercenaries," which will scale to the player's level and provide "extra muscle in PvE encounters;" and access to all the content from all previous EverQuest expansions. Both expansions will also come with Legends of Norrath, a "strategic online trading card game."

Player Controlled NPCs = What the fuck and the guy who wrote the review doesn't deserve his paycheck

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I Am The Storm.
Represent de KGB
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