Hele don't go postal on me man

I've lived with police all my life. Father just retired
from policework after 38 years. My brother is a US Marshal.
Every friend of the family is law enforcement. From State Troopers
to FBI, a sheriff or two , Game Wardens to the friggin Secret Service.
I have nothing but respect for what they do and what they
deal with on a daily basis believe me.

My home was one of those that had a police scanner in
every room and they were running nearly 24/7.

The Taser was not designed to be a first choice compliance
device as it all too often becomes these days. In the
hands of a properly trained individual who is well suited
to wear the uniform, it is a very good tool for them to
have. If the individual is a threat to the officer, themselves
or another then yeah the Taser is likely a justifiable device.
It's not there to be a compliance tool when the
officer gets tired of hearing backtalk. It's not designed
to be the ' I win ' button of a confrontation.

Folks are getting hit with these things because they are
mostly compliant. They allow themselves to get into
position which allows the officer to use the device. We
keep seeing videos of officers abusing people with them
and I guarantee things will change. Folks will fear the
officer and, as we all know, fear can be dangerous. Folks
do some silly things when they're scared.

Folks are going to get tired of getting hit with these things.
God help the officer who runs across the first
one who thinks enough is enough. The problem is the
officer might even be right, but the other individual
has seen all the video and doesn't trust the person behind
that badge. When the public loses trust in police,
things will go to hell in a hand basket in a hurry.

However, we all know that the tool isn't the issue. It's
the wielder. In my personal opinion, police should be
screened far more than they are. They should be very
selective about who they let wear a badge. They're not
and as a result, this is part of that fallout.

Too many have ego issues. They let that badge and gun go
to their head. They believe themselves to be superior to
the normal citizen. It's an us vs them mentality. They
believe themselves to be above the laws they are sworn to
uphold. I know a few of these folks myself.

They are the minority without a doubt. However, they
are ruining the reputation of law enforcement as a whole
and, if left unchecked, may very well destroy it.
