
The thing that has done the most to kill role playing in MMOs is the endless xp/loot grind that has come to dominate nearly every MMO since UO. People don't have time or the inclination to do the RP activities that Raek mentions because of the need to grind out that next precious level.

UO was great because you could roll up a character, and in an evening, get to the point where you could roll with gang. Your 'toon was by no means done, but at 80 or 90 skill points (out of 100), which you could get in an evening, you were competant. Every point in addition on the way to GM at 100 was better, of course, but it wasn't like the unbridgable gulf that exists in leveling MMOs for character who differ in only a few levels.

The combination of level inequities and uber gear just kills playability, in my opinion.


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[Linked Image from nodiatis.com]