To answer About me and morgoth death gating... that accusation is completly false. i havent seen morgoth or talked to him in quite a while actually. the scamming: i dont nor have i ever scammed anyone, ever point blank the end. i have turned my KGB tag off while i have been pk'ing so that is also false. i turn my tag on when i go to help fellow KGB and When we are fighting another guild thats it. with all due respect i fell like im being bullied and falsly accused of things that afre out of character for me to do, and i dont appreciate it at all. I have done alot for KGB UO and i have made a point to talk to members in other games i think that it would be great if people of rank Winter HK-Jetstar Elfe and others That would have a say in my situation to allow me to answer accusations and set the record sdtraight on anything that is bothering people. not like court but like a conference. if that is at all possible let me know.

should Gopher be banished ffrom KGB altogether?
single choice
Yes- He is not Honorable (80%, 4 Votes)
No- He is honorable (20%, 1 Votes)
Total Votes: 5
Voting on this poll ends: 05/25/07 04:00 PM

Former KGB Member