I voted to choose a game, and jump into it. It won't be perfect, but it may be good. Vanguard sounds promising. Maybe not everyone has a comp that can hack it right now. Even so, my strong suggestion is that we charter an official KGB faction SOMEWHERE, and let those come who can.

But I think we need to pull together somewhere, and it sounds like Vanguard might be a good option. The mere fact that there is an official KGB faction in existance not only will draw current members togther, but it will also serve as a recruitment source for new members. That, if nothing else, is probably the most important reason to open a new faction at this time.

We can no longer afford to coast along as we have done in the past. I thought Darkfall would open a year ago, but that is starting to look like a long wait for a train that don't come. If it arrives eventually, great. If not, let's jump into Vanguard with who is willing to go now, and see where that takes us. In this way, when Age of Conan comes out, or perhaps even Darkfall, we will not only have our vets at the top of their form, but we will potentially have picked up new members as well.

It may well be that the KGB will never all be involved in a single game again. When other games arrive, we will consider them in due turn. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't do something NOW. We have idled long enough. It is time to raise the KGB banner. Let those who are willing answer the call!

PS: What is the story with sigs, anyway? They have be on again, off again for a week or two now.

Last edited by Owain; 02/20/07 08:10 AM.

To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council