Originally Posted By: Bleakwise

PPPS: In response to my critique of Bernie Sanders, the thing I find inherently flawed about him is the idea that somehow redistributing 90% of all wealth would somehow eliminate pork barrel politics. If you want to end corporate entitlements, and government backed monopolies just end them, redistribution fits here nor there in the equation. The need for even a 1% tax increase simply is not predicated on any part of the problem. If anything ending corporate entitlement should reduce the need for taxes, not raise them. It's basic logic. Government gets the money for corporate entitlements from taxes, if you have more taxes why would you assume you have LESS corporate entitlements?

What Bernie is calling for is good old fashioned revenge. Corporatoins have gotten richer and salaries have not gone up in proportoin, this is mostly due to corporatoins expanding from a single nation into a world wide global network and not billionaires stuffing trillions of coins away in a bank (any businessman will tell you that this is a sure way to become broke overnight), buying yachts and and refusing to pay workers their fair share in America. When have you ever seen a "1%" report or "study" ever take into consideration the fact that American corporations are now Global corporations, and that the studies of "the rich getting richer" are the direct result of globalism and American corporations becoming Global corporations? There is just no other way to cut it, the IRS requires that corporations report ALL income both domestic and foreign, and Wall Street doesn't exactly published detailed charts breaking down what percentage of their gross income came from where, so we're left pining over corpoatoins quadrupling their net worth and moaning we didn't get the same kind of raise, when the truth is we had absolutely nothing to do with the creation of all that wealth, tho, if you were smart enough to sign onto your companies stock options or 401k and retirement healthcare and life benefits, this would be exactly the kind of thing that makes all that possible.

As I said, the IRS requires all American corporations to pay taxes on earned income from abroad, America is one of the few countries that does this, you know, because we're all special snowflakes, so the third world is just going to have to tighten their little anemic pants and get to fucking work cause we Mericans wanna go learn us some Gender Studies to learn about all the new genders we "created" and study new ways to call anyone who suggests we cut taxes names like racist or misogynist or homophobic or xenophobic etc...

Do tell me, why are Americans entitled to the fruits of some China-man's physical labor anyway? If I manage a global restaurant int he USA, what gives me the right to claim the product of some guy bussing tables in China? Beyond that, I thought the issue was "income inequality," how is reaching into the pockets of destitute (they are beyond poverty) third world workers who LITERALLY don't have a pot to piss in or a house to put one in if they did considered "fighting for the poor" or "promoting income equality" by any definition of the words?

Yet, in American politics today being a "globally conscious concerned liberal" means you actively fight to have the government backed by it's police and military go and shake down third world workers and give them the money and then call anyone who objects a selfish racist who needs to "check their privilege" because those starving anemic third world workers just don't understand how hard it is to be an American. Ironically it's always liberals who swear at corporations for not "feeding poor Chinese and African people" when they are the ones using government as a weapons to snatch the fruits of their labor off of their plates. Sure maybe the corporations would have if they didn't but getting equal pay would have at least been posssible. You don't get acquitted for murder by saying "well so and so probably would have killed him anyway if I didn't, so not my fault I murdered him, go arrest that guy"....

If you're wondering whether or not McDonalds and all these other corporations tax sheets detail just USA incomes or Global incomes, well, all you need to know is that NOT reporting all foreign income is a crime, and that applies to individuals as well as corporations. Thus the results we see from the IRS MUST be global income, not just w/e capital American workers generated...

I'm not going to say that the min wage never needs to be raised, or that all corporations are respectable actors, but the fact that globalization and foreign workers never enter into the equation is troubling to say the least given that globalization and third world labor makes up for the vast majority of growth in their respective corporations.

You can be sure that if the type of economic exploitation of the third world that Bernie Sanders is promoting came to pass that the situation would escalate RAPIDLY. If you ever wondered why American businesses can't compete in foreign markets now you know why. Why would anyone expand into a foreign market the US govt just demanded you send all the wealth created by third world labors back home? Why would any foreign country allow an American business into it's midst if all it will do is funnel money out of their country and into the pockets of "concerned" (but not THAT concerned) liberals. I mean, due to the absolutle senselessness of it, the only reason to go there in many cases would be racism and or hatred for non Americans. Forget for a moment that most Capitalist ventures want to provide welfare to their employees, that is, they have an altruistic component and in such a situation that would not exist, nor would there be any profit motive, the only personal motive left would be to do harm to foreigners on behalf of people who hate you. Not many people take pleasure in something so sadistic as robbing starving (concentration camp starving, not the American "mom I'm starving" starving) destitute third world people of the frits of their labor nor do most people enjoy masochism enough to hand it over to a tribe of entitled spoiled brats just so they can cry to have politicians to end your whole enterprise in the event you don't squeeze even more blood out of those destitute starving people in the future....

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)