As an aside, in a fit of masochism I did listen to part of that recording. That Shu guy is.... just wow, thats all I can say... just wow.

One thing he said was how it is a micro aggression to compliment a black person for being articulate or intelligent for doing well in or adding to a class, because the implication is that they are the exception and other black people are not.

If there is a way to take something in a negative light, I am sure this guy can find it.

Its interesting because his drive for this thinking apparently came from people saying he had good English. He says the implication is that as an Asian he is not feeling welcome as a citizen, since after all he has been here his whole life. I guess the guy doesnt realize that despite all that, he has an extremely thick accent.

I suppose he has never paid attention and noticed that white people with extremely thick non-southern/Northeastern accents of European origin can get told the same thing. Maybe the Dutch in northern Michigan could relate to him.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)